Παρασκευή 21 Αυγούστου 2009

Alonso and Gaspaza

It was a sunny day..gaspaza was in the couch drinking tea as always the day was so hot that day..she watched outside her balckony..an endless blue was there the sky and the sea together…her apartment was so nice to be there after her husband divorse…she almost forget it..having so many money left from him and this apparment was something she really tried to gain in the court. .after all this years with this man rich this apartment was something like a gift…
But it was not in good condition …this big garden needed some care…and the pool was also something that needed care..
Its been days since she applied for someone will make the job, but only old guys came? Why she would need and old guy? "They probably will not know swimming if they fall in the pool…fuck them.." she thought..
Suddenly the door rang..the servant girl kate came and said..”Gaspaza we have a guy who came for the job..should he come in”?
“No I am busy now I am watching the waves tell him to come later“
“Ok Gaspaza”
“but..fuck the same waves come all day..tell him to come..”
“da gaspaza”
“and tell that motherfucker chef to have dinner ready I am hungry!”
Suddenly he appeared and... so easy she lost her hunger and her thirst rise high like the mountains of Transylvania..he was there a God none apparalel to him ..his name was Alonso..she felt a shake inside here like a chill of something warm..
“At your service Gaspaza..i am the man for the job..”
“But I haven’t hire you yet…” with a trembling voice..her eyes were captivated by his sight.."oh my god" she thought " how can I be the boss of a God?"
Dinner is ready called the chef.. an irritating person Sakis
“You are fired motherfucker! You destroy the story..” Gaspaza shouted and remember her old boss self…
“but not today…and about you Alonso..you have nice biography for such a job ..no work for 6 years..i think I could..hire you..come tomorrow early in the morning to begin your work..you salary will depent from what I see as results…
next day was a nice one the wind was blowing very gentle and the sun ..hot tanning the skin of the young man that can to work early morning..she wasn’t impressed that he came so early , she was bored with people that give all their life to became someone with their job and only ..and not with whom they really are inside..
“Tell me Alonso..i think you done enough ..if you had enough money in your life what will you wanted to do?”
“Oh Gaspaza let me think.. I would like to ..do the same job..”
“Shut up stupid ..your endless lies..how would you say that..?”
he moved a little forword to her and came close…she could feel his hot warm of his wet body..
“Gasppaza its all matter of conception”
“Alonso…you such a stupid guy!Money is everything!”
His hands touched her shoulder and same time was like electricity traveled from his hand to her shoulder ..to her chest to her belly to her..knees
“I would never worship the money of anyone”
she wanted to beat him..not because she hated what she heard but cause she wanted his touch..
“Oh really?So that makes you boss?”
edit: pff this story takes a boring turn lets put some crazy fantasy..
Suddenly the door sounded kate the stupid bitch open the door with one tit on purpose outside…”oh Mister how are you? She said
"Always bitch Kate..tell you gaspaza to come her husband is at home”
“You asshole how you dare to come here!! “ Gaspaza voice broke some glasses
“I want you to forgive me!I love you “ and gave her some flowers
“But I don’t .. I have found your replacement!” and touched the dick of alosno..
“you scam you fucked my wife!” and put out his gun.. but Alonso was fast..very fast he took a broken glass and throwed to him..his blooded covered all the walls and his body fell like old tree…like a dead old tree..
“oops” ..said Gaspaza…”you saved my life… how can I pay you back…please”
“I saved my ass Dork not yours..”
she was about to shout at him but the sirine of police sounded..
“Quick lets take the helicopter”
“ok I know how to fly one of those” he said with big confidence
his voice made her so horny..she thought this is the man of my life…
“Put on your seat belt.. we are ready to go!”
“Wait I want to take my little bear!” she said and run to her bedroom
“pff get your ass moving”
“ok I am ready teddy meet Alonso, Alonso this is teddy!”
the helicopter raised fast and headed for the sea…
all the time her hands was in his legs ..but this... is a never good thing he got lost in his sences and a sound …a screaming voice ..metallic sound.. a dark tunnel.. not I hear some sounds back..the scnece of sea water..he opened his eyes..the helicopter crashed Gaspaza was very near he grabbed her from her waist ..”Gaspaza! “ a slap in her cheeks she opened her eyes “Where are we?” a tropic island was there very green with crystal water like thasos.. a big snake omg !
she opened her eyes: “what happened?”
he said:” I did my stupidity again..the helicopter crashed”
“Its ok Alonso now I want you to make me love my love”
“Shut up and make me feel passion Alonso..take me in your hands I am yours..”
He didn’t want this moment to lost..he grab her from her waist and he kissed her so passionate that she felt she was gonna faint.. the sand was all over their bodies but they care not.. the sun was burning their skin and the passion was so hot .. they felt like boiling..suddenly…he stopped..why she said in her thoughts.. a big why??WHY?
“Dear.. we are watched from those..”and he pointed some dark sillouetes..she couldn’t see very well her face was all over sand…oh my god…Cannibals!!more and more..they surroned them..they all wanted the virginity of Gaspaza? Or her delicious belly? But Alonso was to save her!..or maybe not.. they got on them as prisoners..
now they took them and they headed to their leader…
“Don’t let my hand” she screamed in tears…
Alonso was sad..she was away from him.. but couldn’t do anything..those cannibals looked at him like sweet candy
Soon after 12 hours they appered to their leader..
The leader was a woman..her name was Helen..
she looked them very weird.. but gaspaza was so good comminicating person..
they start talking..and then beers appeared.. Helen gave order for Gaspaza to loosen the ropes around her hand..
Alonso was sorrounded with cannibals...and look with a strange look gaspaza "what are she is up to?what is she tring to do? did she forgot our love so fast?"
Soon the party begun the beers ended in cannibal race stomachs ..teh more the time passed the more Alonso looked to them as a sweet candy..
A drunk ethiopian appered and Gaspaza gave him a punch cause he told her to shut up !
Helen gave order for execute and cannibals had their meal..
That gave Alonso a smile ..he was no longer looked as sweet :)
Helen called Alonso for drinks they drunk..and drunk.. and the time came to go to bed..Gaspaza didnt want to go to sleep ..Alonso had to drag her to the bed.. She was very drunk she always asked questions like .. "Alonso..do you love me?" "Yes" he replied..again.. "Alonso do you love me?" .."Yes" he replied.. "i love you too" " Come to make me massage!" "ok i am in the bathroom ... i am coming"
But it was too late gaspaza was sleeping :))

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